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Pickleball paddle surfaces: Carbon fiber vs. fiberglass

Two terms you've probably heard in connection with pickleball rackets and the construction of racket surfaces are carbon fiber and fiberglass. But what are the differences between carbon fiber and fiberglass and which composition is right for your game?

Carbon fiber

Carbon fiber is a stiff, durable material that offers a better feel as it absorbs the energy of the pickleball on impact and distributes it more evenly across the paddle surface. The result is less deformation on impact, which leads to more control and precision.


Fiberglass is a composite material that is less stiff than carbon fiber, which means it is more flexible on contact, or in other words, provides more rebound when the ball hits the paddle surface. The result is a higher energy return to the ball, which leads to a stronger reaction.

Hybrid mix of carbon fiber and fiberglass

The choice would be too easy if there wasn't a mixture of both options. A few manufacturers offer very good paddles with a hybrid surface.

Further designations

JOOLA, for example, has a large selection of paddles with carbon fiber surfaces. Within the JOOLA selection of carbon fiber paddles, there are different surface types that are still current:

Carbon Friction Surface (CFS) - A textured surface made from a durable Carbon Flex 5 material. Provides optimal performance with high spin, optimal feel and raw power. To be found in the Hyperion, Perseus and Scorpeus Paddles.

Carbon Grip Surface (CGS) - a premium surface made of durable, long-lasting Carbon Flex3 material for a textured surface that provides optimal ball grip, feel and spin production. To be found in the Radius Paddle.

Sources: Joola USA and own